The Love Letter Technique

The Love Letter Technique

Do you feel negative emotions towards someone? You will most likely say No. You will say that you have seen enough of life, have let things go and have moved on.

Then you come across this article by Louise Hay, taken from her book “Heal Your Body”, where are listed bodily ailments, their mental causes, and affirmations that help them heal.

After reading and reflecting on these causes and affirmations, your 5 minutes a day meditation practice which you recently started, finds you overflowing with negative emotions that were tucked and locked away somewhere in your body, and are now wreaking havoc with your health.

You want to release these emotions and be on your way to better health. But how do you release these negative emotions? What do you do?

You journal. Not just any journalling. You write a love letter to the subject of this negativity. Love letter you ask? “I am not even sure I like them!” But this love letter as proposed by noted American therapist John Gray has a special technique. Using this Love Letter Technique, you write a letter to this person expressing your Anger, Hurt and Sadness, Fear, Guilt, Remorse and finally Love for this person (in this sequence). Do not be alarmed if you find yourself writing a thesis instead of a letter!

You do not have to share this letter with anyone. Better option is to rip it off and together with your negative emotions, throw it in trash.

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